对未来的建议(英文10句及翻译)对未来的预测英语句子带翻译对未来的建议(英文10句及翻译)1、There will be more trees in the future.将来会有更多的树.
2、There will be less pollution in the futrue.在未来,污染会变少.
3、Each family will have a robot.每个家庭都会拥有一个机器人.
4、People will get smarter.人们将会变得更聪明.
5、We will live in the space.我们将会住在太空.
6、People won't go to school but study on their computers at home.人们将不用去学校上学,而是待在家里在电脑上学习.
7、Looking to the future scientific life.对未来的科技生活的展望
8、Enjoy vacations on the Moon可以在月球渡假
9、Life in seabed海底生活
10、Get health check via videophone可视电话体检购物
11、Get edcucation at home through TV and broadcast在家电视广播教育
12、get housework done by robot机器人做家务
There will be more trees in the future.将来会有更多的树.There will be less pollution in the futrue.在未来,污染会变少.Each family will have a robot.每个家庭都会拥有一个机器人.People will get smarter.人们将会变得更聪明.
We will live in the space.我们将会住在太空.People won't go to school but study on their computers at home.人们将不用去学校上学,而是待在家里在电脑上学习.Looking to the future scientific life.对未来的科技生活的展望。
Enjoy vacations on the Moon可以在月球渡假Life in seabed海底生活Get health check via videophone可视电话体检购物。
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