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The Legend of Virgo In ancient Greek mythology, the constellation Virgo is associated with the goddess of agriculture, Demeter, and her daughter Persephone. Virgo is said to symbolize Persephone, who spent half her yea{分析更多 做梦与预兆文章请关注 :春兰解梦网,wwW.ImchuNLan.cOM』r in the underworld with her husband Hades, and the other half above ground with her mother. In another legend, Virgo is associated with Astraea, the goddess of justice. Astraea was the last among the gods to leave the earth at the end of the Golden Age, when humans lived in harmony with one another and with the gods. She retreated to the heavens and was placed among the stars as the constellation Virgo. Virgo is often depicted as a maiden holding a bundle of wheat, emphasizing her connection to agriculture. The bundle of wheat also represents the importance of knowledge and wisdom in life, which can be harvested like crops to nourish the mind and spirit. People born under the sign of Virgo are said to embody the characteristics of their mythological counterparts. They are known for their analytical minds, practicality, and attention to detail. They also have a strong sense of justice, and often work in careers that involve helping others, such as healthcare or social work. Despite their strengths, Virgos can also be prone to perfectionism and anxiety. It's important for them to remember that knowledge and wisdom are not always attainable, and that imperfection is a natural part of life. In conclusion, the constellation Virgo has a rich history in Greek mythology, representing both the goddess of agriculture and the goddess of justice. People born under this sign are known for their practicality, analytical minds, and strong sense of justice, but should strive to find balance and avoid perfectionism.


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