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As individuals born between December 22nd and January 19th, those under the Capricorn sign possess a unique set of personality traits. Here are some words that define the typical Capricorn personality: Am『推荐更多 星座月份表文章请关注 :星讯网,WWw.XinGXUn.cC〕】bitious: Capricorns are known for their strong work ethic and desire for success. They are determined to achieve their goals and will often work tirelessly to reach them. Practical: Capricorns are practical and logical thinkers. They prefer to focus on what can be done rather than dwelling on abstract or theoretical ideas. Reserved: Capricorns are not typically social butterflies. They tend to be reserved and introverted, preferring to spend time alone or with a select few close friends. Disciplined: Capricorns possess impressive self-discipline and willpower. They are able to focus on their goals and work toward them without being distracted by external factors. Responsible: Capricorns are reliable and responsible individuals. They take their obligations very seriously and always follow through on their commitments. Serious: Capricorns have a serious demeanor and often come across as aloof or unapproachable. They take life seriously and are not likely to engage in frivolous activities or conversations. Patient: Capricorns are patient and have a long-term view of things. They are willing to work hard and wait for results, knowing that success requires time and effort. Overall, those born under the Capricorn sign are hardworking, practical, and responsible. While they may not be the life of the party, they are dependable and dedicated individuals who will always strive to achieve their goals.


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